ASOC Workgroups

Hall Landscape - Libby Schick - All Comers
Contemporary Workgroup display board
Hibiscus Delight #2 - Esther Shelley - Open Studio on Sundays
Flowering Pimelea WA - Saturday Oils
Plein air in the garden - Creative Drawing Group
Nancy and Friend - Robyn Thompson - Ways with Watercolour
Reclining Nude - James Tweddle - Portrait and Life Drawing
Summer Bushwalk - Ian Bignall - Pastels and Pencils
Untitled - Lynn Nicholas - Fun With Printmaking
Underwater - Bobby Graham – ASOC Digital

Workgroups provide opportunities for ASOC members to meet and practise their art in the company of artists with similar interests and in a friendly, relaxed atmosphere. Formal tuition is not regularly provided; however, members learn through sharing with one another.

Regular workgroups meet in the Studio for a half-day session each week during ACT school terms. Enrolment is by the term, with a Studio fee of $50 per person payable at the start of each term. Some workgroups make extra bookings to meet when the Studio is available, e.g., during term breaks. These casual bookings are $6 per person for a half day and $12 per person for a full day. See the Workgroups Policy for information on mid-term vacancies.

The Digital Art Workgroup, the Occasional Figure Drawing Group, the Creative Collagists and the Multimedia Explorers Drawing Workgroup meet occasionally in the studio. All ASOC members may attend these groups and pay on a session-by-session basis. The casual studio fees of $6 pp for a half day and $12 pp for a full day apply.

In some groups, members contribute to additional expenses, such as model fees.

All fees should be paid to the Convenor of the group.

We strive to maintain a clean, safe environment and to comply with public health guidelines. Workgroup participants are asked to practise good hygiene, and to contribute to the necessary cleaning tasks at the end of each session. Please bring your own cup, food and drink, including tea, coffee and milk. Members who are unwell should notify their Convenor and NOT attend their workgroup.

Our Studio is located at Studio D, M16 Artspace, Blaxland Crescent Griffith ACT.

Enquiries may be directed to a specific Workgroup Convenor (see below) or to the Workgroups Coordinator at Workgroup convenors maintain a waiting list for members who are interested but cannot be placed currently. Please provide your contact details to the convenor in order to be notified when there is a vacancy.

For general enquiries about workgroups please contact the Workgroups Coordinator:

Stephen Clively


Letty-Stuart Wiscombe


Mondays 9.30 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.

Convenor: Ian Bignall

This group is ideal for those with some experience working with pastel, coloured pencils, watercolour pencils, graphite and/or charcoal. Our common interest is the enthusiasm for working with different media and effects which can be achieved with underpainting, layering and using different coloured and textured supports and mediums. In addition to our weekly studio sessions, some members meet at other times to paint or sketch outdoors. Tips about mounting and framing, and where to source materials and subjects are shared. We are conscious of working in a safe environment only using non-toxic and low-dust materials and working in mainly a vertical format to minimise dust.

There are currently several vacancies in this group.

Seated Woman - Trevor Gibson


Open to all ASOC members on a session-by session basis

Selected Mondays 1.30 – 4.30 p.m.

Convenor: Stephen Clively

0488 994 130

The focus of this group is on figure drawing, primarily through mark-making and/or creating areas of tone. Media used may range from the traditional to the contemporary, such as iPad or tablets.  Participants can usually work seated or at a standing easel. Artists of all levels are welcome. Fees for each session are $6 (studio fee) plus a contribution of model costs ($13 to $24, depending on the number of participants). Note sessions will not run if there are fewer than five participants.

Please see the Calendar for the dates of our meetings. Contact the Convenor if you would like to attend any of our sessions.

Inquiries from life models are welcome.


Fatima - Colin Oliver


Tuesdays 10.00 a.m. – 1.00 p.m.

Convenor: Stephen Clively

0488 994 130

Artists of all levels are welcome. We alternate weekly between clothed and unclothed figures, with a choice of portrait or full-figure work in every session. Any odourless medium may be used. There is usually a choice to work seated or at a standing easel. There are opportunities to share our work and socialise, and we enjoy occasional group lunches and gallery visits outside of our session times.

In addition to the usual Studio fee, there is a model fee (currently $18 per week) that is usually collected in advance at the start of the term but other arrangements are possible.

Inquiries from life and portraiture models are welcome.

Print by Simone Doherty


Tuesdays 1.30 – 4.30 p.m.

Convenor: Simone Doherty

0418 234 954

Members experiment with a range of techniques, including lino and mono-printing, creative dry point etching and carving, using paper and other materials. We enjoy using the studio printing press. We anticipate exploring new types of printing as the group expands. Members of ASOC who are interested in seeing us in action, or even joining the group, are welcome to come along on a Tuesday afternoon. In addition to the usual Studio fee, there is a weekly fee for shared materials (currently $2 per week).


Autumn at Lanyon - Jill Hanson


Wednesdays 10.00 a.m. – 1.00 p.m.

Convenor: Josie White

Painting in watercolour is relaxing and inspiring. The purpose of the workgroup is to share, enjoy and appreciate the diversity of each other’s talents and to learn from each other. We welcome artists working with different techniques from the traditional to the experimental. Members may work on their own projects or participate in various group exercises, which gives us the opportunity to share ideas and techniques, and to compare and discuss our results. Occasionally, professional artists are invited to demonstrate and advise members. We sometimes work en plein air, and we occasionally meet up at an exhibition.

Drawing at Uriarra Crossing Member of the Creative Drawing Group


Wednesdays 1.30 – 4.30 p.m.

Convenor: Tim Hardy

0427 369 117

This workgroup is for those who want to explore the potential of drawing as an art form through taking risks and experimenting. Drawing is the most powerful way of developing the ability to see; it encourages new ideas and expressiveness. Subjects for drawing are limitless and the group includes both studio and plein air artwork. Group members are encouraged to use a wide range of media for mark making including ink, pencil, pastel, charcoal and paints. Drawing skills and knowledge are shared with other members and to extend one’s abilities. Often the group takes on challenging drawing exercises.

No vacancies right now. Contact the convenor to join the waiting list.


Oil portrait in progress - Tony Singer


Thursdays 9.30 a.m. – 12.30 p.m.

Convenor: Annette Rennie

6291 4212

The All Comers workgroup extends a friendly welcome to members of all abilities, from beginners to experienced. All media and subjects are covered in this workgroup, and assistance and constructive advice is freely available.

Wendy Antoniak, Leeks Allium Porum (detail)


Thursdays 1.00 – 4.00 p.m.

Convenor: Gillian Bellas

6288 5041

The Flora and Fauna workgroup is for anyone who likes to draw/paint any form of animal or plant life in whatever style is chosen; realistic, abstract, botanical, or futuristic. All types of media, with the exception of toxic solvents, are explored by members of the group. Table easels may be used, but due to space restrictions, we do not use standing easels. Group members are happy to assist with feedback, advice and encouragement. We are a sociable group and enjoy a lot of laughs.


The Pot the Pear and the Parrot - Cheryl Parkins


Fridays 10.00 a.m. – 1.00 p.m. and 1.00 – 4.00 p.m.

Convenor: Lynn Nicholas

0423 626 162

The ASOC Contemporary Group is an enthusiastic, friendly and supportive group.  We enjoy exploring a wide range of techniques using various media with a view to mutual artistic development. We have held many successful exhibitions over the years and enjoy having this common focus to bring our individual skills and talents together. We all choose our own subject matter but swap ideas and feedback. Sometimes we sketch outdoors for extra inspiration or invite a tutor for the day. Our members are very generous with sharing their knowledge and expertise and will often give a demonstration. We inspire and encourage one another.



9.30 am to 12.30 pm on the last Saturday of the month, subject to availability of the studio

Open to all ASOC members on a session-by-session basis

Convenor: Bobby Graham

0418 271 747

The Multimedia Explorers Drawing Workgroup is a dynamic community for artists interested in exploring various drawing techniques. Meeting monthly, participants can use any drawing medium, such as pen and ink, watercolour, gouache, charcoal, or even iPhone/iPad. This group fosters creativity through shared experiences and collective learning. Ideal for artists who enjoy experimenting across traditional and modern media. This group offers a supportive environment to grow and develop your artistic skills. All ASOC members are welcome to join and contribute. The group meets on an occasional basis with a small fee per session.

Please see the Calendar for the dates of our meetings. Contact the Convenor if you would like to attend any of our sessions.

Cloud Symphony


Saturdays 1.30 – 4.30 p.m.

Convenor: Shakir Rahman

This group welcomes all members of all skill levels. It is aimed at artists who have limited free time and will appreciate the time, space and support from fellow artists to follow their artistic passions. We meet in the ASOC Studio when it is available (fortunately this is most weeks). This is a very flexible group, so bring along whatever medium suits you, and work on whatever subject you like!


Claire - Collage by Stephen Clively


Open to all ASOC members on a session-by-session basis

Selected Sundays 1.30 – 4.30 p.m.

Convenor: Lisa Beattie

We are a group of members meeting occasionally on Sunday afternoons. We explore ideas and practical techniques and share everything related to gluing bits and pieces to other bits and pieces!

Please see the Calendar for the dates of our meetings. Contact the Convenor if you would like to attend any of our sessions.


Digital Life Drawing - Brian Kilgallin


Open to all ASOC members on a session-by-session basis

Convenor: Judy Hutchinson

0402 886 520

The Digital Group provides a forum for members interested in using digital media to create a diverse range of art. The focus of the workgroup is a collaborative exploration of various digital tools, for example Procreate and other Apps for tablets/phones and PC/Mac tools such as Blender (3D) and Photoshop. At each session members are able to discuss and display their current works, and seek tips, advice and guidance on techniques from other members. Occasionally, members may be invited to prepare a short demonstration of a technique. This group meets on a casual basis, with a fee per session.

Please see the Calendar for the dates of our meetings. Contact the Convenor if you would like to attend any of our sessions.